
Matt DePerno just found something huge.

According to him the tabulation machines used can be used to alter entire elections, and anyone with access to the machines can do this themselves.

That’s not all though……not only can the results be changed, but you can retroactively time stamp those changes to make it appear as if they never happened.

You can make it seem like the changes you made occured on the original day the results were tabulated.

In other words: anyone with access could falsify an entire election.

These findings are truly seismic if they are true.

Here is what we currently know:


The Gateway Pundit reported: 

Matt DePerno just dropped a BOMB at his Antrim County Michigan press conference.

DePerno and his team say the tabulator machines can be reopened after the election. The machines can then run more ballots through the tabulator, print off a new tabulator tape with new ballots, and then backdate that tape to November 3rd.

This is shocking news!
If this can be replicated in other jurisdictions it should invalidate the voting machines from every election moving forward.

Daily Mail reported President Trump’s feelings on Michigan: 

‘The number of votes is MASSIVE and determinative. This will prove true in numerous other States.

‘All Republicans must UNIFY and not let this happen.

‘If a thief robs a jewelry store of all of its diamonds (the 2020 Presidential Election), the diamonds must be returned.

‘The Fake News media refuses to cover the greatest Election Fraud in the history of our Country. They have lost all credibility, but ultimately, they will have no choice!’

Trump’s statement suggested votes were switched from him to Biden, but in Antrim County the opposite occurred.

On the night of the election, the local officials called the vote for Biden, but then switched it to Trump owing to what they said was human error.

A hand tally of the votes, demanded as part of a series of investigations into election integrity, served to only increase Trump’s margin.

Election workers in Detroit, Michigan, process the ballots on November 4