
A Massachusetts liberal activist visiting his parents in Merrimack, New Hampshire over the Thanksgiving holiday had a meltdown over a gun store’s window display that features posters criticizing Joe Biden, Dianne Feinstein and Anthony Fauci, calling the display a “call to violence.” Nothing in the display explicitly or implicitly calls for violence. Apparently however, exercising First and Second Amendment rights is seen as a call to violence by this liberal activist.

Ben Jackson, a writer and producer who works with actress Alyssa Milano on her Sorry Not Sorry podcast, posted a photo of the store, 619DW Guns & Ammo, with the statement, “This is the gun shop in my parents town. Don’t fucking tell me this isn’t a call to violence. Don’t tell me gun culture isn’t sick to its very core. #NoRA #MerrimackNH #NHPolitics”


Jackson was further triggered by Guns & Ammo’s requirement that patron not wear masks in the store, posting a photo a sign in the door that reads, “Stop & Read: We Draw Guns on Masked Visitors – Take Your Mask Off before Entering.”


Jackson was triggered even further by a Merrimack woman who had the temerity to point out his hypocrisy in mocking “neckbeard” libertarians with Jackson’s profile photo of him with a neckbeard.

Dr. Borysenko wasn’t having any of it from the Massachusetts liberal, “So let’s review: @BJacksonWrites is a white progressive man who has gone out of his way to insult a small business in my town, insult my intelligence, insult my ability to do my job, and has insulted my looks. This is what they mean by toxic masculinity, right?”