Much has transpired over the past few days at our little refuge from the storm. Conservatics has been our little place among the chaos where we can freely express our opinions without fear of censorship or ridicule. I have grown to love this place and the people who post here. I sincerely appreciate each and every one of you. Your opinion matters. You matter.
Since the inception of the site, we have seen people come and go. We’ve lost some to petty disagreements and some to perhaps not feeling that this site was the right fit for them. We’ve likely lost some due to the news cycle being absolutely horrendous over the past few months. People leaving due to needing a break from all the doom and gloom. I’m sure others have obligations in life that pull them away. However, the one sure thing that we all thought was solid is Conservatics. Believing the site would always be here when we decided to return from our hiatus or when our cooler head prevailed.
We are a community. We are an online family, who laugh, cry, sympathize, and celebrate with one another. The mere thought of losing this place or not sharing experiences with you all really hit home. Imagine having to post at Red State, GP, or god forbid, BB? We would all be scattered about the interwebs posting a passing greeting “Hello, how are you?” then quietly blend in and vanish among the hundreds of other posters at any given website. That would be tragic. That would be terrible. That is not what I want our future to be.
We all need to remember that we are on the same team. We all have our own ideas on how to correct the course that the democrats are steering us in. Although our opinions may differ it’s important that we listen to one another, keeping in mind that we will not always agree. Supporting one another is of the utmost importance. We need to be more appreciative of the people who make things happen here. Just saying “Thank You” goes a long way and it lets others know that you value their time, effort, and work.
2022 is a long way off, and 2024? Well, it seems like a pipe dream right about now. We need to stick together.
For my part, I am going to try to get more op-eds out to you. I am going to dabble in some light-hearted articles to give you a break from all the negative news we are bombarded with daily. I spoke to Val about this in length the other day. I do have some apprehension as I think that some of you will eventually grow tired of reading my opinions or perhaps you won’t find humor in the things that make me laugh or maybe some of you don’t like my opinions at all. This is all uncharted new waters for me. I am just going to do my best to help out and for right now, writing these silly little articles seems to be making a difference. I’ll continue to contribute until I feel this is no longer wanted.