Sen. Rand Paul has released his own, new version of “Twas the Night Before Christmas,” the famed...
Year: 2022
Twitter Files part 9: Vast web of coordination between tech giant and CIA, State Department, other agencies...
“Quite frankly,” as Donald Trump is fond of saying, it comes as no surprise that the former...
PHOENIX — The Maricopa County Superior Court is ruling against Kari Lake in her lawsuit accusing Secretary...
A bomb cyclone has swept through the United States, leaving 200 million Americans shivering in bone-chilling temperatures...
Christmas canceled: Parents and media go after holiday traditions, ‘It’s getting annoying’ Parents, media and entertainment figures...
On Friday it was revealed that the Biden administration failed to pay numerous National Guard troops their...
Here goes Democrats playing the gender and race card once again, blaming their lack of achievements on...
There’s no denying that the month of December is peak eggnog time. The sweet and spicy beverage...
During Newsmax’s Rob Schmitt Tonight, Ronna McDaniel, the current and beleagured chair of the Republican National Committee, told the host “I’m...