The hammer is about to drop on Act Blue, the Democrats’ golden goose of fundraising, as House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) teams up with the FBI to expose what could be the biggest money-laundering scandal in American political history.
In an explosive interview with Benny Johnson, Comer laid out a damning case against the far-left fundraising juggernaut, accusing it of funneling billions in suspicious cash—potentially from foreign adversaries—into Democrat coffers under the guise of “grassroots” donations.
“We’re investigating ActBlue the same way we investigated the Bidens,” Comer said. “We’re starting with the suspicious activity reports—bank violations that flag financial crimes. And let me tell you, the evidence is overwhelming.”
As Comer’s investigation progresses, chaos is unfolding inside ActBlue. Key executives are resigning. Lawyers are jumping ship. Employees are getting locked out of their computers, sending frantic messages about whistleblowers.
Benny Johnson, conservative commentator and host, nailed the urgency of the situation: “When the lawyers flee, you know you’re cooked.”
Comer confirmed the exodus: “These people know what’s coming. If ActBlue was innocent, they’d be out there defending themselves, calling me a conspiracy theorist. Instead, they’re running for the hills.”
The chairman detailed how his committee began investigating ActBlue after discovering a flood of small-dollar donations from untraceable sources, many from elderly Americans who were unaware their names were being used to funnel cash into the Democrat machine.
And now, it looks like the walls are closing in. ActBlue is imploding as executives flee, lawyers quit, and insiders start turning on each other.
You can read The Gateway Pundit’s report on Act Blue here.
Benny Johnson:
Chairman Comer, I got to tell you, man, this thing is just rotten. It’s just rotten. I don’t know if we have the direct evidence just yet, but man, you sure can put the pieces together and say that ActBlue must be one of the largest money-laundering organs this side of the Biden family.James Comer:
And that’s exactly how we’re going to investigate this—the same way we investigated the Bidens. We’re starting with the suspicious activity reports. These are the bank violations that, if anyone commits a financial crime, the banks will catch it.I come from a banking background, and I can tell you there are extensive security measures in place. Banks have auditors, compliance officers, and bank examiners. They catch suspicious activity, especially if it’s on a large scale with numerous transactions.
So what I tried to do back last summer was request the suspicious activity reports from Janet Yellen in the Biden administration. They would not reply to my request. We knew that ActBlue was processing a ridiculous amount of money.
Heck, my opponent—whom I beat by 50 points—raised several hundred thousand dollars on ActBlue, despite having zero chance of winning. If you ranked the races from 1 to 435, hers wouldn’t even be in the top 400 in terms of competitiveness. Yet she was still getting all these mysterious donations. You had House candidates whose campaign budgets were 80% funded by anonymous small donors on ActBlue.
James Comer:
So we smelled something. Obviously, it came out—what Rubio said—that they weren’t using the code on the back of credit cards, which allowed for fraud. It just didn’t make sense. Like the woman in that clip—she had $180,000 worth of donations.We requested these violations, and they wouldn’t give them to us. After the election, Janet Yellen let a few of my staffers go in there. They saw that, yes, there were several hundred suspicious activity reports from various banks. We got to look at 12 of them. I can tell you, they were bad. They were exactly what we suspected.
We requested to see more, but they cut us off. Obviously, they were involved in the transition and all that. Now, we’ve got a new Treasury Secretary. We’re supposed to go in there next week or so to examine them all. But from what we’ve already seen—from media reports and the few bank violations we’ve reviewed—many of our worst theories regarding ActBlue are going to be confirmed.