
While only 26, Michigan State Representative Jewell Jones is in his third term as the youngest member of the Michigan State House and was first elected to his local city council at the age of 20.  You would think that he might have learned something along the way.

While in a condition of intoxication later confirmed to be at .19 “blood alcohol content, Michigan State Representative Jewell Jones decided to attempt to badge his way out of a drunk driving arrest after his vehicle left the roadway and overturned in a ditch.  When that didn’t work, he warned everyone that he was going to call Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, and she’d take care of them all.

If only that was all happened …. but it wasn’t.

Let’s set the scene:

I won’t go through each of the facts covered in the 15-tweet string put together by the Michigan GOP Twitter account, but here is the “SportsCenter” highlight version:

Calls came into “911” reporting an SUV driving in an erratic and dangerous manner over the better part of 50 miles along a Michigan state highway. At one point just prior to his accident, another motorist reported that the vehicle was traveling in the wrong direction into oncoming traffic.

The SUV had vanity license plates with the word “ELECTED”.

From the reporting, it seems as if paramedics arrived on the scene first.  They found Jones — and a female companion — outside the vehicle, each with their pants down.

Someone — presumably a paramedic — reported that Jones was “holding the woman up”, while her pants were down, which might be a euphemism but I’m not sure about what. Jones’ pants were reported to be “partially down” — a distinction made by the reporting individual for the purpose of …. well, I’m not sure.

Then the young woman vomited.

Like I said, only the highlights.

The woman was unable to stand on her own and became unresponsive so the paramedics’ attention was focused on her.

One paramedic later told one of the officers that when they arrived Jones had identified himself and his female companion as “people of importance” and flashed his “wallet badge” showing him to be an elected official.

When the police asked Jones for his name and to show his ID, Jones said he could not do that. When Jones remained uncooperative, the police moved to place him in custody, taking him to the ground in order to handcuff him.

Here is a dashcam video that picks up where Jones is being placed under arrest.

As he was being handcuffed, Jones tells the officers “I’ll call Governor Whitmer right now” and, “When I call Gretchen I need y’alls IDs and badges.”

As it turned out, Jones was also carrying a firearm inside his car.

Jones was eventually charged with drunk driving, reckless driving, resisting arrest, obstruction, and carrying a firearm while intoxicated.

Let this be a lesson to all you 20-something elected representatives out there in America:

Rather than rely on the Governor to save you, don’t drop your pants to your knees while driving when your weapon is loaded and ready to fire if your gonna blow an unacceptable amount should the police come along asking questions about how it is you came to find yourself in that condition.

Better to leave the weapon loaded in the holster back at home.