
Truly, Hunter Biden and the people propping him up have no shame.

Earlier this month, as we reported, he attacked the Trump children telling them to get a job “without their Daddy’s help.” That’s a hot one when they’ve all been successful. As far as I know, not one of the Trump children is reported to have mistaken parmesan cheese for crack in the rug. Hunter seems to have traded off Daddy’s last name throughout his life. Even in his more honest moments, Hunter has admitted that he’s benefited from his name, as we reported in that story. If he didn’t have daddy, he’d be completely lost.

Exactly why would anyone hire Hunter for anything, especially when he’s currently under investigation by the FBI, except to cash in on his notoriety as Joe Biden’s son? Why would you put this guy anywhere near students?

Someone needs to ask Tulane University that question. Because according to the Daily Mail, they apparently just engaged Hunter as a “guest speaker” to teach a class on media polarization and fake news.

That’s hilarious. He has absolutely no work background in media. So unless they want to hold him up as an example of how the media will spin and lie to protect a politician, or how Big Tech will even spike true stories about him and his dad, what is Hunter going to teach?

The course description states that “America’s rapidly advancing partisan divide is fueled substantially by the growing political polarization increasingly evident in our news media.” So they “will explore the current state of the media landscape in the United States and how media polarization, fake news, and the economics of the news business impact public policymaking in Washington, D.C.”

Now it appears Hunter is going to be just one of the guest speakers among a bunch of other mostly left-leaning media folks including Fox’s Juan Williams, The New Yorker’s Susan Glasser, and Margaret Sullivan, Washington Post columnist. But still, what was Tulane thinking?

‘Hunter Biden has no background in media,’ conservative filmmaker Phelim McAleer said. ‘He has never worked for a newspaper or a media outlet.’

‘Hunter Biden lecturing a class on fake news is like Harvey Weinstein teaching a course to prevent sexual harassment. It shouldn’t be happening. Period.’ the ‘My Son Hunter’ producer continued.

Meanwhile speaking of “fake news,” is anyone investigating that allegation about Hunter falsifying his application for a gun?