
The Biden administration announced on Wednesday they were suspending intellectual property rights and giving patent information on the COVID vaccines to China and the world.

The administration believes giving the research away for free will help end the China Virus pandemic.

On Thursday morning Degan McDowell and Newt Gingrich weighed in on this assault on property rights. Newt mentioned how this was a gift to the Chinese communists who will not be forced to steal this property and who will outproduce the US in manufacturing the vaccines.

Degan McDowell went a step further, saying, “It’s communism!… It rips up what we are as Americans!”

Obviously, Democrats and Joe Biden have no problem giving US intellectual research away to our adversaries. Biden gave Honeywell a slap on the wrist for giving our military plane technology to the ChiComs. Now Joe Biden is handing over the China Virus vaccines.