
The audit of ballots in Arizona’s Maricopa County will be put on pause until next weekend due to the venue being used for high school graduations.

The operation had to clear out on Friday, with all equipment and ballots being stored for the week.  The ballots and equipment will be guarded by armed security until the audit resumes.

Arizona Senate Republicans are in the process of recounting 2.1 million Maricopa County ballots by hand. Massive irregularities have already been uncovered with only about 25 percent of the ballots recounted.

As the Gateway Pundit previously reported, ballot auditors in Maricopa County are reporting that they have found “significant discrepancies” between the number of ballots therein and the batch reports included in the boxes.

The state senate is now asking Maricopa County officials to appear at a meeting next Tuesday to answer questions about “serious issues” that they have uncovered.

The auditors have been reporting 5-15 percent discrepancies across many boxes, with the number consistently growing. Joe Biden supposedly won the county by only 2.2 percent, according to the official results in November.

Political strategist Boris Epshteyn said on an appearance on Steve Bannon’s War Roomshow that the discrepancies may actually be as high as 17.5 percent — making him believe it is likely that “Biden did not win Arizona.”