
Have you ever taken a step back and noticed just how similar Democrats are to locusts? Locusts generally exist in small groups or solitary insects who go about their day meandering about feasting on vegetation that normally pose no economic threat. It is only under ideal conditions such as drought followed by accelerated growth of vegetation that we see explosions in Locust populations. Locusts become gregarious and form a roving band of destructive swarms. Hell-bent on devouring everything in their path. At no time in the course of history have we witnessed the gathering and destruction of our country by our arch-nemesis than during the Trump presidency.

It seemed like every week a different organization was marching on Washington DC. From BLM to the Pink Pussy hat marchers carrying signs declaring that “their pussies grab back”. The “Hand-Maiden” tale ladies… this list would not be complete without them. Dressed up as though they worked in Colonial Williamsburg and decided to take a short wagon ride over to DC and imagine that because Donald Trump was in the White House that wild packs of white men were suddenly running around in rape squads after their mock virginity. Evil white men who would be forcing them to live in one-room shacks, churning butter from dawn until dusk.

No laws were enacted under President Trump that impacted women’s rights or the imagined lack thereof. The same laws that stood the test of time on the day President Obama left office still in place among their mountains of virtue signaled fictional infringements. No challenges to the laws that govern the rights of minorities in our great nation. Despite these facts, all was under siege by 45 and his followers. They imagined that suddenly half of the country was comprised of secret Nazis whose eternal wish was the destruction of millions.

So, the locusts set out in an orchestrated effort to destroy what was left of morality and law. Those that couldn’t accept open borders suddenly overnight became bigots. Never mind the fact that there has always been a pathway to citizenship by legal means. It didn’t stop there. These bigots who happen to enjoy living in a world of law and order were secret racists responsible for every infraction committed against people of color over the last 200 years. These groups set about devouring everything normal and good and turned it all upside down. A new America where chaos rules the day.

I’d like to think that most Americans are like us, sitting back wondering just what the hell happened. Democrats ruling the house and digging up impeachment wet dreams at every turn, and with the help of the MSM, they incited the crazies and lulled them into whimsical thoughts of misfortune and feigned outrage. Everyone’s a victim mentality and if you didn’t fall into the social-economic standing of the groups mentioned above, they created new groups, new genders, new rules, new cliques, new victims of evil “white” men. Who cares that these evil white men created the greatest civilization in the history of mankind for all people?

We’ve experienced tragedy and mistakes in our history, we learned from it, we evolved, and we became something special along the way. A place where people build rickety rafts and risk life and limb just to be a part of. Don’t believe me? You are more than welcome to step two doors down for a dose of reality.  I look back at these lessons of history thankful that we’ve advanced and became who we were…4 years ago, that is.

Today, King Locust is running the show leading the swarm to every leaf, every crop, and every single blade of grass. The world is at its feet wondering from one minute to the next what the future holds and just how far down the lunatics are going to take this. Everyday headlines crazier than the last. I don’t know about you, but I like when things are certain, I like knowing that the sun is going to rise in the morning and set in the evening. I like knowing that I am secure in the things that I do, and life is not a free for all toss-up waiting on the next Locust swarm.