Oh no, Joe!

Biden arrived on Wednesday in the United Kingdom to mark his first trip overseas.

While speaking to U.S. troops, Biden forgot to say “at ease” so the troops could sit down after standing to applaud him.

“I keep forgetting I’m president,” Biden said.

Kamala Harris is also out of the U.S. and has been embarrassing herself on the world stage.

Harris finally admitted on Monday what most people have known: she has no plans to visit the U.S.-Mexico border.

During a press conference in Guatemala, Harris said she does not plan to visit the southern border because it would just be a “grand gesture” as opposed to a genuine trip.

“On the issues of Republicans’ political attacks or criticism or even concerns, the reason I am here in Guatemala as my first trip as vice president of the United States is that this is one of our highest priorities,” Harris said during a question and answer portion of her press conference with Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei.

“I came here to be here on the ground, to speak with the leader of this nation around what we can do in a way that is significant, is tangible, and has real results,” she continued.

“And I will continue to be focused on that kind of work as opposed to grand gestures,” she added.

Harris said she “believes” any migrants who attempt to enter the U.S. through non-legal channels will be turned away if they arrive at the border.

“I want to emphasize that the goal of our work is to help Guatemalans find hope at home,” Harris said.

“At the same time, I want to be clear to folks in this region who are thinking about making that dangerous trek to the United States-Mexico border: Do not come,’ she said, and repeated for emphasis: “Do not come,” she added.


Harris’ first overseas trip to Guatemala is off to a terrible start.

First, Air Force 2 had to turn around and land because of a “technical issue.”

It got worse when Harris arrived in Guatemala and was met with protesters and heckled with signs that said “Trump won” and “Kamala go home.”

Then, Harris got embarrassed during a press conference with Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei.

Giammattei reminded Harris to put on a face mask as she walked away from the lectern – and she obeyed.

This trip comes as Harris has been dragged for months about her failure to visit the Southern border or Central American nations.

The results were predictable: A massive crush of illegal immigrants and criminal behavior such as drug smuggling and human trafficking that has overwhelmed border protection forces.

Florida Republican Sen. Rick Scott tore into Kamala Harris last month for her continued “failure” and refusal to visit the crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border.

In a statement released to his website, Scott slammed Harris for only “flying over the border at 35,000 feet” while she met with other world leaders instead of addressing the Biden border crisis.

“While I welcome cooperation with Guatemala and Mexico, Biden and Harris have still not acknowledged the humanitarian and national security chaos their policies have created here in America,” Scott declared.

“They still refuse to actually go to the U.S. southern border, hear from our brave Customs and Border Protection agents and see the U.S. side of this crisis that their failed amnesty and open borders policies have created. It’s time for Harris and Biden to get down to the U.S. border and provide answers to the American people,” he concluded.