
Conditions in Cuba have deteriorated precipitously over the past two years. Economic hardships, complicated by the pandemic and the inability of Cuba to produce its own vaccine have led to people taking to the streets in protest. But as Allahpundit pointed out yesterday, if any of them are thinking of fleeing their dictatorship, they shouldn’t attempt to make the ocean crossing to Florida. The Biden administration has declared that any refugees seeking to enter the United States without proper authorization will be turned away and sent to wait in another country. That policy sounds rather familiar, doesn’t it? In fact, it’s almost identical to the rules put in place by the Bad Orange Man with his Remain in Mexico policy as it was applied to illegal migrants from Mexico and the Northern Triangle countries. But as David Harsanyi points out at National Review, there’s something missing from this formula. Where is the outrage from Democrats and the majority of the mainstream media? Why are these “cruel” policies toward potential migrants fleeing economic hardship and brutal oppression at the hands of an authoritarian government not being denounced as racism? The silence is almost deafening.