Another Fraud
Mexican-born Republican congressman Mayra Flores ran away from a man named Nick Taurus who tried to question Flores about her vote for amnesty in the recent defense spending bill. Taurus, an America Firster, wanted to know why Mayra Flores voted to hand out amnesty to the fully grown adult offspring of corporate visa-holding foreigners. Some people call these offspring “documented dreamers,” but they are nevertheless demographically replacing native-born Americans in service of a multicultural corporatist state, same as illegal migrants. Flores literally ran away from Taurus for a moment before settling into a rapid hurried walk to avoid his journalism.
The “Grand Old Party” (their term, not mine) seems just as focused on replacing the White majority in America as the Democrats do, and many globalist conservative influencers and paid-off quisling political parasites are attaching themselves to Flores to present the Republicans as a pro-immigrant, “non-racist” party. However you feel about the increasingly irrelevant two-party paradigm in America, the fact of the matter is that the anti-White, anti-American “Great Replacement” is happening both “legally” and illegally, and it’s happening because globalist donors for both political parties want to crush American sovereignty and cement our status as a helpless strip mall labor colony for world finance. Mayra Flores is just the latest in a long line of grifters trying to fool Fox News conservatives while actively working to destroy the children and grandchildren of her conservative fans.