The Texas Tribune recently reported that Turncoat RINO and recently-ousted Congresswoman Liz Cheney (R-WY) was unsure whether or not she prefers House Republicans take the majority in November. When asked, she replied:
“It’s a tough question. I think that the policies of the Biden administration, there are a lot of bad policies, for example – what we’re seeing now with inflation, what we’re seeing with respect to government spending.”
She then went on to slam America First members of Congress, saying:
“I think it’s really important though, as voters are going to vote, that they recognize and understand what the Republican Conference consists of in the House of Representatives today, and how much power the election deniers, the people like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert and Jim Jordan, how much power those people will have in a Republican majority.”
Cheney, who has been widely criticized for her constant criticisms of those within her own party, tweeted out back in May of this year the following:
“The House GOP leadership has enabled white nationalism, white supremacy, and anti-semitism. History has taught us that what begins with words ends in far worse. GOP leaders must renounce and reject these views and those who hold them.”
Cheney has been guilty of selling out her constituents time and time again. When being interviewed during the time of this years Wyoming primaries, one voter said:
“I read in the paper that she said she had to vote her conscience. Okay, maybe she’s forgotten why she’s there. Her conscience isn’t why she was elected. She’s supposed to be representing the people of Wyoming.”
Cheney’s unpopularity hasn’t stopped her from persisting in the fight against the America First movement. In fact, during the interview, she remarked:
“I think that Donald Trump is the only president in American history who refused to guarantee a peaceful transition of power. And so, the fact that my party, in the months since then, has refused to stand up to him, I think, does tell you how sick the party is. I’m going to make sure Donald Trump is not the nominee, and if he is the nominee, I won’t be a Republican.”
Clearly, the temporary congresswoman has no intentions on putting her red coat back on anytime soon, but it also doesn’t appear that many people care.