Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), known for his intimate relationship with a Chinese spy, has released an attack ad depicting Republicans as desiring to see women who have abortions arrested and dragged from their homes in front of their families.
The ad was profiled Monday evening on MSNBC’s “The ReidOut,” to the praise of host Joy Reid.
MAGA Republicans want women arrested for having an abortion. This is what that looks like. #LockHerUp
— Eric Swalwell (@ericswalwell) October 18, 2022
The Daily Wire blasted the ad as wildly misleading and deceptive, noting the irony in that “what Swalwell depicted in his ad — the dystopian future without abortion access — was actually happening at the direction of President Joe Biden’s administration, but to pro-life activists.”
Mark Hemingway, senior writer at RealClearInvestigations agreed that the Swalwell ad and the DNC are projecting, tweeting:
“The DOJ is literally running around the country right now arresting abortion protesters in front of their families.”
@LifeNewsHQ noted:
“The FBI has arrested 22 pro-life Americans for peacefully protesting abortion, but still hasn’t arrested a single person for firebombing pregnancy centers and burning down churches.”
Ben Kew, editor-at-large for @ElAmerican, added:
“I don’t think there is a single Republican candidate running for national office that has suggested arresting women for having abortions. Oh well. Never let the truth get in the way of a good story!”
RedState’s @SisterToldjah called the content in the ad “BS,” noting that it both distorts the truth and paints police officers in a bad light. “Not your finest hour, Swalwell,” she wrote.