Elon Musk Friday evening released Twitter’s internal discussions that led to its decision to block any links exposing Hunter’s laptop from hell.
The New York Post released damning and explosive contents from Hunter Biden’s laptop in October 2020 several days before the general election.
Twitter banned The New York Post at the time for their reporting on crackhead Hunter and his illegal dealings.
Musk released the internal emails from Twitter executives regarding the tech giant’s decision to block links to Hunter Biden’s laptop.
One of the Twitter executives involved in the decision to suppress the Hunter laptop story in October 2020 was none other than former FBI lawyer James Baker.
Baker ‘resigned’ from the FBI in 2018 and began working for Twitter in June 2020.
James Baker, Twitter’s Deputy General Counsel at the time, advised Twitter execs to block access to the Hunter Biden laptop story even though they knew the materials were not hacked.
28. To which former Deputy General Counsel Jim Baker again seems to advise staying the non-course, because “caution is warranted”: pic.twitter.com/tg4D0gLWI6
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) December 3, 2022
James Baker also interfered in the 2016 election when he acted as a running dog for Hillary Clinton’s lawyer Michael Sussmann.
Recall, Sussmann was indicted last year for lying to the FBI.
According to the indictment, Sussmann falsely told then-FBI lawyer James Baker he wasn’t doing work “for any client” when he asked for a meeting with the FBI where he presented bogus evidence the Trump Tower was secretly communicating with Kremlin-tied Alfa Bank.
James Baker has repeatedly defended the origins of the Trump-Russia probe.
Hillary Clinton’s phony Russia dossier kick started the Trump-Russia investigation, however James Baker insisted a tip about George Papadopoulos triggered the probe.
“The Papadopoulos information is what triggered us going down this path,” Baker said. “… It would have been a dereliction of our duty not to investigate this information.”