A palate cleanser on Friday eve.

Joe Biden is 80-years-old. His polling numbers are terrible. He is underwater in all polling categories. Enter the Democrat Party. What do they do? They begin a campaign to convince America that Joe Biden is cool. No, really.

He’s not a regular president – he’s a cool president. It’s cringeworthy.

The Mean Girls reference is because the movie has a line in it in which a mom meets her daughter’s new friend and declares, “I’m not a regular mom. I’m a cool mom.” October 3 is Mean Girls Day in which fans celebrate the iconic 2004 movie written by Tina Fey. The movie deals with high school cliques, teenage friendships, and the impact of bullying in a humorous way.

As Fox’s Dagan McDowell said Wednesday,, “Joe Biden can’t be cool because he was never cool.” True enough.

The Democrats were rightly mocked relentlessly after publishing such a nonsensical post. No one buys it. Are the Democrats trying to appeal to young voters? They can see Biden is old and demented. He can’t get through a couple of sentences without some kind of lapse.

“Being cool is a lot like being funny. If you have to tell people that you are, … you’re not,” wrote the Daily Wire’s Virginia Kruta.

“I just cringed so hard my bones turned to jelly,” conservative poster Noam Blum wrote.

Democrats have tried to make Biden cool already and it hasn’t worked. He badly mangled LL Cool J’s name during the White House’s lame Hip Hop celebration and ended up calling him “boy.” In 2021, Biden did a TikTok video with the Jonas Brothers and the cringe was strong.


Did joining in with striking UAW workers show “Cool Joe”?

Wearing Ray- Ban Aviators doesn’t make Joe cool. They were created in 1936. Does that scream cool and modern?

The crazy part of this story is that a real group is spending millions of dollars on the “cool Joe Biden” marketing campaign.

A major liberal group has drawn up a multimillion dollar plan to make Joe Biden cooler online. And the initiative has the blessing of a top White House official.

The organization, ProgressNow, is launching a $70 million project to help the president and down-ballot Democrats win the war for voters’ digital attention. The idea is to create, in their own words, an “echo chamber” on the left. At its heart, it is an effort to compete with one they say already operates on all cylinders on the right.

There’s an app for that. Guess who is the “top White House official” who supports this silliness? Anita Dunn. This is my shocked face.

The center of ProgressNow’s plan is an app that the group has developed called Megaphone. Users who download the app can scroll through a series of liberal memes, videos and graphics created by the organization, add their own captions, and then quickly share them on social media platforms.

“ProgressNow has become an important partner to the groups supporting the Biden-Harris agenda,” said Anita Dunn, a senior White House adviser and top 2020 Biden strategist who added she was providing her comment in a personal capacity. Ramping up “ensures they will be in an even stronger position to deliver compelling digital communications to people in their communities through a grassroots network that effectively complements efforts in 2024 and beyond.”

The White House staff and it’s minions live in a different world than the rest of us. What is Biden running on? He’s desperately clinging to power, even though a majority of Democrats don’t want him to run. Now he humiliates himself with a campaign to make him look cool. You can’t make this stuff up.