A coalition of United States Senators, including Rick Scott (R-FL), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Tommy Tuberville (R-AL), Mike Braun (R-IN), and J.D. Vance (R-OH), have sent a compelling letter to President Joe Biden, urging an immediate travel ban from China in response to a recent outbreak of a mysterious pneumonia-like illness.

“In light of an unknown respiratory illness spreading throughout the People’s Republic of China (PRC), we call on you to immediately restrict travel between the United States and the PRC,” the Senators wrote in their letter.

The Senators expressed concerns about the disease’s unknown nature and the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) history of misinformation, particularly referencing the initial handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

They noted that similar action was taken by President Trump on January 31, 2020, during the early stages of COVID-19, which they argue was a necessary measure despite criticism at the time.

“On January 31, 2020, President Trump issued an order to restrict travel from the PRC into the United States to protect the American people and counter the spread of COVID-19. Many officials and commentators—including you—criticized his decision as being influenced by “xenophobia.” But history and common sense show his decision was the right one,” the Senators added.

China has seen the emergence of several significant viruses in recent history, raising concerns about public health and highlighting the need for enhanced surveillance and prevention efforts. Here’s a look at some of the most notable outbreaks:

1957-1958: The Asian Flu (H2N2), a pandemic responsible for the deaths of an estimated 1 million people worldwide. While the exact origin is debated, it’s believed to have originated in China.

1968-1969: The Hong Kong Flu (H3N2) pandemic, which killed an estimated 1 million people, also likely originated in China.

1997-2004: The H5N1 (bird flu) virus, which continues to cause sporadic outbreaks in humans, first emerged in China in 1996.

2002-2003: SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), caused by the SARS-CoV coronavirus, emerged in Guangdong province and spread to 26 countries, infecting over 8,000 people and causing over 770 deaths.

2009: The Swine Flu (H1N1) pandemic, originating in North America, spread globally, with China experiencing its own outbreak.

2013: Porcine Pestivirus, a virus affecting pigs, emerged in China and raised concerns for potential zoonotic transmission.

2019-present: COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2), another coronavirus, emerged in Wuhan, China, and quickly spread worldwide, causing a global pandemic.

Amidst reports of this unidentified disease, which has overwhelmed hospitals in northern China, particularly affecting children, the Senators are calling for proactive measures.

The WHO has requested detailed data from China, but the Senators remain skeptical of the transparency and cooperation of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), citing historical precedents.

“The World Health Organization (WHO) says it is unclear if the disease is due to an overall increase in respiratory infections or separate events. If history is any indication, we have cause to be concerned,” the Senators noted.

“The WHO has requested that the CCP share “detailed information” about the mystery illness. However, CCP has an incentive to lie, just as they did throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and any new pathogen could derail its efforts to stimulate its economy.”

“Besides, we should not wait for the WHO to take action given its track record of slavish deference to the CCP. We must take the necessary steps to protect the health of Americans, and our economy. That means we should immediately restrict travel between the United States and the PRC until we know more about the dangers posed by this new illness. A ban on travel now could save our country from death, lockdowns, mandates, and further outbreaks later.”

Senator Marco Rubio emphasized the urgency of the situation: “[W]e should not wait for the WHO to take action given its track record of slavish deference to the [Chinese Communist Party]. We must take the necessary steps to protect the health of Americans, and our economy.”

“That means we should immediately restrict travel between the United States and the [People’s Republic of China] until we know more about the dangers posed by this new illness. A ban on travel now could save our country from death, lockdowns, mandates, and further outbreaks later.”

The mysterious illness, predominantly affecting school-aged children in China, is causing alarm due to its swift escalation and atypical symptoms. Reports from the Daily Mail indicate children are being hospitalized in large numbers, with alarming symptoms of high fevers and lung inflammation, but without the typical respiratory symptoms such as coughing, leading to the term “undiagnosed pneumonia.”

Similar cases have now emerged in the United States, with physicians in Ohio and Western Massachusetts reporting an “extremely high” number of children diagnosed with a strain of pneumonia that has been nicknamed “white lung syndrome” due to its distinctive radiological appearance.

As of the last update, health officials in Warren County reported that they had documented 142 cases of “white lung syndrome” since August.

This news in Ohio comes as several European nations deal with this infection. Denmark and the Netherlands have been hit with particularly alarming spikes. Please remember that COVID-19 hit Europe before landing on American shores.

“White lung syndrome” has also placed a significant burden on Chinese hospitals, with some reporting up to 7,000 daily admissions. This has caused Chinese government officials to bring back measures popular during the COVID-19 pandemic, such as mask-wearing and social distancing.

The Chinese government is engaging in a cover-up just like they did when another mysterious “pneumonia” began spreading throughout the country four years ago. This turned out to be COVID-19, which has killed almost 7 million people worldwide.

However, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) claims there is “nothing out of the ordinary” nationally. This should not come as a surprise because Gateway Pundit reporting has confirmed the Biden regime is doing absolutely nothing to prepare Americans.