Joe Biden went to Philadelphia on Monday after yet another vacation weekend, this time at Camp David.

He did that half-step jog he does. It’s never more than a couple of steps. I’m not sure who tells him to do that but we’re not buying that it demonstrates any vigor in his mind.

He was going to volunteer at Philabundance, a hunger relief organization, in observance of the Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service. He was there for under two hours, got his photo op, and was out of there.

But while he was there, they had him mingling with people again. As I’ve said, not a good idea, since he has such issues.

Here, he’s supposed to be putting bags of apples in boxes but he doesn’t appear to be doing a very good job of it, while people work all around him. Then they talk to him like he’s a child. He says his wife got her doctorate working mostly at night and they humor him by going, “Oooh.”

When he lifted up the apples, he had another goofy, empty look that is likely to become a meme. This is the guy who’s supposedly the leader of the free world.

Then he tried talking to another little girl, asking her age.

“How old are you,” Biden asked. “11? Wow,” he said. At least he was separated by the conveyer belt so he couldn’t sniff her.

But even though they got the photo op, as I said, they didn’t want to leave him there too long and have more issues, so he was out of there quickly.

Then that’s it for the rest of the day. That’s the only thing on his public schedule. No real “work” for the job he’s supposed to be holding, just this recognition of a holiday. This follows about 24 days of doing very little. He’s had about four things on his public schedule over that time. You would almost think there wasn’t a border crisis or American hostages being held by Hamas.

Yet this is the guy that the Democrats are putting forward for the Democratic nomination, a guy who looks like his mind is toast. But sure, Biden team, keep running him out there like this, rather than hiding him in the basement. And as you do that his numbers will continue to tank as people see more and more of the person the Democrats have put forth.