Joe Biden made some brief remarks on the passage in the Senate of the Ukraine aid bill on Tuesday.

While it has passed the Senate, it is unlikely to pass the House as Speaker Mike Johnson said he wasn’t going to put it up for a vote.

Biden was an hour late to his own scheduled event, then he started talking even before he got to the podium.

He wants to tell everyone why it’s so necessary to pass the bill, but then he can’t even be bothered to be there on time to push the propaganda. Everyone is just supposed to wait around for him. Then he’s just going to say what he wants to say; he’s not going to answer any questions because it only matters what he thinks. The hubris of this guy. If he thinks it’s necessary to spend American money to defend Ukraine, it’s incumbent on him to lay out the case, not on us.

Biden insisted during his remarks that the bill would pass if it was put to a floor vote, despite the reports that it’s dead on arrival.

Biden’s angry tantrum is something else when he fears he isn’t going to get the money he wants for Ukraine by the normal democratic process. You’ll never see him this angry about the border because he doesn’t care about defending that.

“For the Republicans in Congress who think they can oppose money for Ukraine and not be held accountable, history is watching! History is watching! History is watching!” Biden warned the Republicans. “Failure to support Ukraine at this critical moment will never be forgotten!”

Saying it three times doesn’t make it true. I rather think history is going to remember other things: the failure at the border and how Biden and the Democrats have weaponized the government for the narrative and against their opponents. They’re going to look back on this as a horrible time that should never have happened and accord Biden his place as the worst person ever to occupy the Oval Office.

Biden is slurring all over the place as he tries to explain what a stockpile is, as though everyone was five years old.

“The way it works is that we supply Ukraine mili— from our stockpiles,” Biden said. “Then we spend money replenishing our stockpiles. Stockpiles that are made right here in America, by American workers.”

Are the stockpiles made here or the weapons? Funny thing. If you don’t send all our money and weapons to Ukraine, we have them for ourselves. We save money and we don’t have to replenish them.

Oh, and more money goes to the military industrial complex. “It allows us to invest in maintaining and strengthening our own defense manufacturing capacity,” Biden said. Whoops, I think he let the cat out of the bag on that one.

Then there was this weird remark.

“May God protect our Speaker and I promise I’ll come back and answer questions later,” Biden exclaimed. He then shuffled off and then there’s someone there behind the screen panel. Is that one of the guides we heard about in prior reports that help direct him?

He usually says, “May God protect our troops,” even as he does all kinds of things that put them more at risk. But what the heck was he saying here? Was this an implied threat to the Speaker after he’d just said Johnson should put the bill on the floor?  Or is he just confusing “troops” and “Speaker”? Or did he think Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was still Speaker? With Biden you can never be sure.

Why is he going to answer questions “later” when this is an event he called for the press?

What a mess.