WATCH: UT-Austin Protestors Hit With Pepper Spray by Police, Have Meltdowns When Carted Off

But this one was certainly something special, as the police dragged someone off as the person screamed, “They’re choking me with my scarves!!!”

A Massive Scandal Is Brewing in Los Angeles After DA George Gascon’s Number 3 Is Charged With 11 Felonies

Unlike many alleged felons in Los Angeles County, the Diana Teran scandal has the potential to topple the county’s power structure, or to put a severe dent in it.

Will the Left’s Control of Information Be the Death of America?

Let’s get back to facts, and maybe we can save the country.


Today on Capitol Hill…

They’re ba-ack. There are 29 hearings scheduled for Tuesday on the Hill. A sampling:

  • House Judiciary – Subcommittee on Crime and Federal Government Surveillance — Overreach: An Examination of Federal Statutory and Regulatory Crimes
  • House Ways and Means — Hearing with Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen
  • House Energy and Commerce — Preserving Americans’ Access to AM Radio
  • Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control — Hearings to examine Chinese money laundering organizations, focusing on cleaning cartel cash
  • Senate Judiciary — Hearings to examine the NO FAKES Act, focusing on protecting Americans from unauthorized digital replicas
  • Senate Foreign Relations — Hearings to examine U.S. policy on Taiwan

Up in the air: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s (R-GA) motion to vacate the speaker’s chair and a House vote on a bipartisan bill to combat antisemitism.

White House What’s Up

Another light-schedule day for President Joe Biden. Currently, he’s set to head to Wilmington, Delaware, for a campaign event. And that’s it.

Full Court Press…

Former President Donald Trump will be back in court in Manhattan for Day 9 of the criminal trial against him for allegedly falsifying business records. Friday ended in the middle of the prosecution’s direct examination of finance executive Gary Farro, so expect he’ll be back on the stand Tuesday.


College kids are on my mind of late — not just because their campus chaos is splashed everywhere right now, but because my own daughter is just a week-and-a-half shy of becoming a college graduate. She’s a good kid with a good head on her shoulders. I lucked out — her politics lean to the right and she’s got no interest in playing at activism, certainly not in service of Hamas. But I wonder about the parents of all of the protesters: Do they know? Do they care? Do they approve? Do they feel like they’ve gotten their money’s worth?


Think he was there for “The Aristocats”?