President Joe Biden announced an Executive Order related to people seeking asylum at the southern border on Tuesday during a White House ceremony.

Of course, the actual plan had a lot less teeth than what was previewed, and Biden’s announcement was mostly rhetoric with a bit of policy mixed in.

While announcing his plan, Biden blamed Republicans in Congress and Donald Trump for the inaction at the border and acted as if he’s been trying mightily to secure it for his whole presidency.

Here’s how the executive action was previewed by the New York Times:

The order would allow border officials to prevent migrants from claiming asylum and rapidly turn them away once border crossings exceed a certain threshold. Government officials earlier this year discussed allowing Mr. Biden to shut down the border if there were an average of 5,000 border crossings in a week, or 8,500 in a single day, but those involved in the negotiations cautioned that the threshold was not finalized and could change. White House officials have been focused on a trigger that would empower Mr. Biden to shut down the border.

But Fox News’ Bill Melugin, who’s spent the majority of the last three years covering the U.S./Mexico border (from the border, not from a newsroom) and embedded with Border Patrol agents says there are massive loopholes in Biden’s order and that, “In no way can Biden’s executive order be described as ‘shutting down’ the border.” Melugin wrote:

In no way can Biden’s executive order be described as “shutting down” the border.

It bans asylum to some illegal crossers, with some exceptions.

It does *not* stop or slow the up to 1,500 migrants per day released into the U.S. via CBP One app at ports of entry, and does not stop or slow the up to 30,000 migrants per month flying directly into the U.S. and being released into the country via Biden’s controversial mass parole program for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans.

Unaccompanied children/minors are exempt from the order – which will lead to concerns about child trafficking, and migrants can still claim fear in an attempt to avoid deportation.

Also, asylum has already been banned for most migrants who cross illegally since the end of Title 42 last year – and that hasn’t stopped them from coming. Highest numbers in recorded history end of 2023.

The order may speed up removals to countries we can deport easily to, (Mexico, northern triangle countries, etc), but there has been no explanation as to how the administration will be able to begin mass removals of migrants coming from another hemisphere with governments that don’t cooperate with the U.S.

It didn’t take the House Homeland Security Committee long to pick up on that theme:

All in all, this parody Kamala Harris explainer (from our own Bob Hoge’s beautiful bride) made a lot more sense than Biden’s announcement.