President Joe Biden‘s fitness to lead will be under the microscope on Tuesday as he welcomes world leaders to Washington D.C. for the NATO summit.

The White House has desperately tried to brush off suggestions that allies are concerned about the 81-year-old’s mental and physical health after his car-crash debate performance against Donald Trump.

Biden’s press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was peppered with questions about his health at her briefing on Tuesday and gave a startling response when asked if the president would personally deal with a nuclear attack after 8pm.

She insisted he has a ‘team’ to deal with such situations, even though the commander-in-chief has the sole authority to launch nuclear weapons.

Fox News’ Peter Doocy referred to President Biden’s comments to governors he would schedule fewer events after 8 pm and asked, if there was a nuclear strike, who would deal with it? The first lady?

‘He has a team that lets him know, any, any news that is pertinent and important to the American people,’ Jean-Pierre said. ‘It is National Security Council that gets to tell him.’

Jean-Pierre also said Jill Biden does not make decisions.

‘The President is the President of the United States who makes the decision,’ she said.

The U.S. President has sole authority to authorize the use of U.S. nuclear weapon, according to American law.

Jean-Pierre also brushed aside a question about Hunter Biden joining the president at White House meetings. She noted the family together was at Camp David and, upon their return to the White House, Hunter merely walked straight into a meeting with the president.

‘He’s very close to his family. As you know, it was the week of Fourth of July, which is why his family members were here last week. They walked together and they walked together into the meeting,’ she said.

And she denied allegations the White House has been engaged in a coverup when it comes to the president’s health.

‘There is a comprehensive medical, full comprehensive medical report on the website I would encourage them to take a look to take a look read read that report,’ she said. ‘It’s transparent. It’s out there, it’s for them to read.’

The White House is in week two of trying to recover from Biden’s disastrous debate performance.