
Following Iran’s retaliatory strikes against Israel, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) – the effeminate neoconservative warmonger – is demanding for the U.S. to bomb Iran.

Graham hopes that the U.S. will bomb Iranian oil fields, further crippling their economy and impoverishing the people of Iran, to punish them for the misdeeds of their national government.

“This missile attack against Israel should be the breaking point, and I would urge the Biden Administration to coordinate an overwhelming response with Israel, starting with Iran’s ability to refine oil,” Graham said in a statement.

“These oil refineries need to be hit and hit hard because that is the source of cash for the regime to perpetrate their terror,” he added.

Graham is also trying to influence President Donald Trump into dropping his America First foreign policy, using fear of Iran as a pretext.

“I spoke with President Trump earlier today, and he is determined and resolved to protect Israel from the threats of terrorism emanating from Iran. I can assure you Iran attacks Israel at their own peril,” Graham wrote in an X post.

This is far from the first time that Graham has exploited foreign crises to demand more U.S. intervention into war, as Big League Politics has reported:

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is whining and begging for U.S. intervention after Russian President Vladimir Putin’s declaration of strength regarding his nation’s ongoing conflict with Ukraine.

“When it comes to thugs like Putin disrupting world order and destroying democracies,” Graham wrote in a tweet on Monday, “enough is enough.”

Graham is butthurt that Putin recognized the sovereignty of Donetsk and Luhansk and is calling for crippling economic sanctions against the Russian people in response.

“Putin’s decision to declare eastern Donetsk and Luhansk as independent regions within Ukraine is both a violation of the Minsk Agreements and a declaration of war against the people of Ukraine,” the senator said in a blatantly false statement. 

“His decision should immediately be met with forceful sanctions to destroy the ruble and crush the Russian oil and gas sector,” he added…

One thing is certain: Putin is a bold leader who will stand for his nation’s glory against perilous odds. On the other hand, America’s dopey ruling class in Washington D.C., such as “Loose” Lindsey Graham, are soulless whores for foreign interests and probably blackmailed by them as well.

Expect more elected Republicans to abandon the cause of America First and demand war for Israel in the days to come.