You may have heard that Joe Biden just issued an Executive Order creating a new Climate Corps–a program with the clear goal of creating a federally funded activist class. Tens of thousands of young people will be recruited to save Gaia, although nobody has a clear idea of what exactly they will be doing.

Getting federal dollars, that’s what. If anybody thinks that this is anything other than a strategy to organize activists to further the anticapitalist agenda they are terminally naive.

What is striking about Biden’s Executive Order, though, is not the goal. Biden has weaponized every power in the federal government he possibly could, so this is par for the course.

No, what is striking is that the Democrats tried to create a Climate Corps last year and the proposal was killed in Congress.

Congress killed the Climate Corps. Biden just created it out of thin air, contrary to the clear democratic will expressed by our representatives. There is no money, no legislative authorization, and a clear “No!” from Congress. And the president is doing it anyway.