Have we mentioned how much we love Senator John Kennedy? Because if not, we so totally and completely love this guy. He manages to be downright BRUTAL and yet, he’s so almost friendly doing it, so down-home, that you can’t help but like him.

Unless of course, you’re on the other end … like this judge Biden thought was a good idea to put up.


Why would Obama … sorry, Biden … ever nominate a judge who doesn’t know the very basics of our Constitution? Don’t answer that, we know why, we’re just being facetious and snotty because we can be.

All the Biden administration cares about is if someone checks the right identity boxes they can take credit for. Qualifications went out the door long ago. See Karine Jean-Pierre. See Kamala Harris. See Pete Buttigieg.

There’s a little bit of Ben Matlock in Kennedy.


Matlock rules.