Hordes of illegal aliens have stormed the border since Title 42 expired on Friday. Title 42, a...
House Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY) appeared on Fox News’ Sunday Morning Futures with host Maria Bartiromo...
The report states children under four should ‘ask questions about sexuality’ Read more: WHO boss says pandemic is...
Former President Donald Trump delivered a holiday greeting to the mothers of America in a way that...
U.S. Border Patrol agents reportedly arrested an Afghan national on the FBI’s terrorism watchlist who illegally entered...
Aaron Rodgers and his former Green Bay Packers teammate David Bakhtiari called out Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., after...
Motherhood. Contrary to ridiculous claims otherwise, it starts with being a woman. Which starts with XX chromosomes...
Mr. DeSantis and his allies are retooling his expected run for the White House after a series...
Biden addressed graduates at Howard University in D.C. Saturday He praised graduate Kamala Harris and said Ketanji...
There’s a big brouhaha at the moment over the reference to the Bible by Florida Governor Ron...