Fmr. Obama official says US should implement a ‘no-fly’ list for the unvaccinated

Former Homeland Security Assistant Secretary Juliette Kayyem recently commented on how unhappy she is with the vaccination rate. Kayyem who served under former President Obama is suggesting a no-fly list for adults who refuse the vaccine.

Vaccine passports have been banned in Florida and Texas. But that didn’t deter Kayyem from making the demand in an opinion editorial via The Atlantic.

”Flying is not a right, and the case for restricting it to vaccinated people is straightforward: The federal government is the sole entity that can regulate the terms and conditions of airline safety,” Kayyem wrote. “And although air-filtration systems and mask requirements make transmission of the coronavirus unlikely during any given passenger flight, infected people can spread it when they leave the airport and take off their mask. The whole point of international-travel bans is to curb infections in the destination country; to protect itself, the United States still has many such restrictions in place. Beyond limiting the virus’s flow from hot spots to the rest of the country, allowing only vaccinated people on domestic flights will change minds, too.”