As Democrats gear up for the Democrat National Convention that begins on August 19 in Chicago, there is much to do. And part of that to-do list includes a bit of housekeeping. Because Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris, a.k.a. the Border Czar, will certainly not talk about her epic failure at the southern border during the convention, the evidence of that failure has to be hidden. That means a big clean-up and makeover in downtown Chicago. That is exactly what city leaders are doing.

To put Chicago’s best face on display for the entire nation, Mayor Brandon Johnson and other city officials have begun moving homeless illegal immigrants out of the downtown area. Newly arrived illegal immigrants are being moved out of the downtown shelter to one on Chicago’s south side. City leaders claim the move has nothing to do with the upcoming convention. Right.

The cleanup started back in June when a large encampment was cleared out. Maura McCauley, managing deputy commissioner of the Chicago Department of Family and Support Services, revealed that the cleanup was “fast-tracked” leading up to the convention but claimed that the reason was that the city wanted to do it before any convention security would ask for its removal.

The quiet part that city officials are not talking about is the fact that Chicago could be getting ready to see a big influx of new illegal immigrants to the city on the eve of the convention. Back in July, at the Republican National Convention, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott vowed to keep busing illegal immigrants north. The number floated of illegal immigrants that could be arriving in Chicago during convention week was 25,000, but it is not known if that is an accurate number.

As Chicago has found out, being a sanctuary city is not cheap. Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s $53 billion state budget includes $182 million to help Chicago cover the costs of caring for illegal immigrants. However, since 2022, the city has spent $430 million to care for the roughly 46,000 illegals who have come to Chicago. Since November 2023, the Illinois Comtroller’s office shows $126 million spent on asylum seekers. That does not include medical and rental assistance or other local government benefits.

Closer to the United Center, where the convention will be held, both residents and citizens in the neighborhood are not happy about their new neighbors, and they are also unhappy with Brandon Johnson. One resident who has lived in the area for 18 years said, “It is virtually impossible to live safely, work properly, or even walk our dogs on our own block.” He added that he thinks Brandon Johnson has failed both citizens and asylum seekers. One business owner said:

“(My customers are) fearful when they come down here. They’ve been approached by people on the street. It’s just been a very scary situation for everybody.”

But as Democrats try to yet again remake and mold Kamala Harris into the media image they think is needed to win, a female Barack Obama without the oratorical mastery, Operation Chicago cleanup is just par for the course. It is all just slick repackaging and sweeping under the rug, an issue that is at the top of the American people’s list of election issues, and Democrats know they cannot run on the issue they created.

Democrats have figured out that, like a lot of other things they are hiding, getting Chicago’s illegal immigrant population out of sight during the convention makes it much easier to pretend it’s not happening.