Nathan Wade’s phone has been tracked to District Attorney Fani Willis’ home late night in 2021, well before the pair claim they were a couple, according to a bombshell new court filing by attorneys for Donald Trump in his Georgia election fraud case.

On 35 occasions Wade was in the vicinity of the condo Willis was subleasing from a friend in Hapeville, Georgia, “for an extended period of time” between April 1, 2021, and Nov. 30, 2021, according to Charles Mittelstadt, an investigator hired by Trump’s team.

Many of those visits were before Wade was hired by Willis to be special prosecutor of the Trump case in November 2021, and appear to contradict court testimony last week when he said he claimed he been at the condo no more than 10 times before he was hired.

The duo has told the court they didn’t strike up a romantic relationship until the spring of 2022 and broke up around a year later.

However, in the lead-up to Willis hiring Wade and also in the month after he signed his first contract with her office, he appeared to visit the condo twice in the middle of the night according to Middelstadt, who analyzed mountains of cell phone and geolocation data from Wade’s number, claimed.

On Sept. 11, 2021, Wade’s cell phone was placed around the Hapeville condo at 10:45 p.m. and stayed there until the wee hours of the morning the next day, leaving at 3:28 a.m. and soon after arriving at his own home, Mittelstadt claimed in an affidavit.

Then on November 29, 2021, Wade called Willis at 11:32 p.m. before arriving in the area of the condo after midnight and remaining there until 4:05 a.m., Mittelstadt alleged.

The investigator also claimed, based on the data he collected, Wade and Willis made over 2000 voice calls with each other and exchanged just under 12,000 text messages over the 11-month period in 2021.

Trump and many of his co-defendants have been seeking to boot the embattled Fulton County Georgia DA from the case and to get the criminal charges against them tossed based on allegations that Willis improperly hired Wade — who they say was her boyfriend at the time — and then financially benefited from his lucrative contracts with her office when he treated her to vacations to the Bahamas, Aruba and Napa Valley, Calif.

The pair were forced to testify in a two-day hearing last week where they both firmly maintained they didn’t strike up a romance until the spring of 2022 and that they roughly split the cost of their vacations — with Wade buying them on his credit card and Willis paying him back in cash.

Wade and Willis also testified they split in the summer of 2023 but they remain close friends.

The information seems to suggest that Wade and Willis may have lied on the witness stand about when their relationship began.

Georgia-based defense attorney, Keith Johnson, told The Post if today’s affidavit if correct it, “could lead to perjury charges.”

He added: “The affidavit presented by the defense attorney in the case indicates there were several phone calls and text messages between the parties prior to the appointment of Mr. Wade as special prosecutor.