President Trump on Tuesday night announced that he would be holding a rally in the South Bronx. During his interview with Laura Ingraham on FOX News, Trump added that he is also planning a rally at Madison Square Garden.

New York is in play.

Laura Ingraham: Mr. President, I’ve long said that Republicans should have a no state or city left behind strategy. Ronald Reagan had that strategy in 1980 and 1984. And you told Maria Barteromo that you may campaign in the Bronx or at Madison Square Garden. When might that be happening?

President Trump: Very soon. Look, we have nine months yet, but I’m going to see about Madison Square Garden, and we’re going to go to the South Bronx, and we’re going to go to Queens and other areas, because if you look at what’s happened in New York, I’m not even blaming the mayor. I think the mayor has sort of been told to take a backseat a little bit because they came after him violently. You know, they came after him like they’re going to indict him when he started speaking up. And now he’s become quiet.

The Bronx is the bluest of New York City boroughs, with a majority of Spanish voters. Biden “won” 83% of the Bronx vote in 2020.