Whatever the actual goal of pro-Hamas protesters across the nation, winning hearts and minds doesn’t seem to be a concern. Instead, they seem intent on alienating as many people as possible while demanding genocide in the name of terrorists.
The latest example of unrest comes from New York, which has seen illegal encampments and the storming of buildings on various college campuses over the past several weeks. On Monday evening, a large group of Hamas supporters fought with the NYPD, breaking down barriers to rush the area around the Met Gala.
Certainly, there’s something poetic about that given the left-wing elites that attend the event every year created these monsters. Still, I can’t quite go hands-off on the situation when they are doing this to war memorials in the process of making Democrats miserable.
#NOW 107th infantry War Soldier Memorial draped in Palestinian flag while American flag burns on the ground on 5th Ave in NYC during 'DAY OF RAGE' protest. pic.twitter.com/GAOyQoD130
— Oliya Scootercaster
(@ScooterCasterNY) May 7, 2024
Nothing says “free Palestine” like desecrating a World War I memorial and burning an American flag in front of it. It’s almost as if these sick freaks are just in it for the chaos and don’t care about whether anything they do is effective or not. The anarchy is the point. The “cause” changes depending on the month, but the destruction of the system remains the same.
There are two ways to look at this. If you’re optimistic, you could assume that these people are alienating Americans with their actions. That’s certainly what I hope is taking place. I can’t imagine most people see this insanity and think it’s a good thing. Certainly, it’s not in doubt which political party has fomented the breakdown of respect and order in society.
Then there’s the most pessimistic viewpoint, which is to note that the 2020 BLM riots didn’t cost Democrats anything in the following two election cycles. Americans have very short attention spans, and there’s still a lot of time before November arrives. If things calm down in the streets and on college campuses (and Israel is likely to win the war in the next few weeks now that the Rafah invasion has begun), then much of the chaos will be forgotten. That’s what Democrats are counting on, at least.
Meanwhile, you’ve still got people like Bill Kristol mumbling about a right-wing “authoritarian movement” that doesn’t exist while left-wing authoritarians shout their crazed, violent desires right out in the open.
Damn right we’re nervous—or better, we’re alarmed.
We’re alarmed because we have a dangerous authoritarian movement here in the U.S., supported by cheerleaders like @IngrahamAngle, which threatens to do great damage to our democracy and to our liberties. https://t.co/1P2lDFqCxh
— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) May 6, 2024