Happy 1 Year Anniversary, Conservatics! Today marks the first full year this website has been alive. I want to personally thank you all for being here and making this what it is. Our close community is an outlet for many of us to be with like-minded people.
I want to take the opportunity to express my deep appreciation and gratitude for you. I am among family, here. Seeing each of you daily or weekly is quite humbling. It makes me a bit emotional to internalize the fact that you have stuck around and built friendships with me and with others. You are family to me.
January 2020, Val urged me to start the website. We planned a bit and launched within a couple of weeks. We had big plans for the website, but Covid hit and work got crazy busy for me. I was able to move up and take a promotion at the end of the year, but I had to sacrifice the time I was spending on Conservatics its development to work on that promotion.
Val picked up ALL my slack and has made this site what it is. Without her, I would have had to shut the site down. I simply have not had the time to maintain and build the site.
I want to personally and publicly thank you, Val. Thank you for ALL you do. You are the backbone of the site, and it wouldn’t be here without you. I sincerely appreciate your dedication to the site, the community and to the truth. Thank you and God bless you and your efforts.
As far as Conservatics is concerned, it’s not going away. As I settle into my new position with my work, I’ll be able to dedicate time and money to this site. I have plans. I truly do.
I love you all! You mean the world to me, and I can’t adequately put it all into words. Thank you for everything, my friends. My family.