President Biden and his predecessor Donald Trump are neck and neck in New Hampshire, despite the Granite State voting Democrat in the past five presidential elections, new polling revealed.

Trump eked a minuscule lead with 36.6% support compared to Biden’s 36.5% and independent presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at 14.6%, per the latest NH Journal/Praecones Analytica poll.

Some 12.4% of respondents were undecided.

The fresh polling dropped just ahead of Biden’s swing through New Hampshire, where he visited Nashua and touted his work to help veterans.

“While registered voters of both parties are largely united around their nominee, independent/undeclared voters are splitting their support in four statistically indistinguishable ways: between Biden, Trump, Kennedy, and other unnamed candidates,” Praecones Analytica’s Jonathan Klingler told the NH Journal.

Trump is up among every age in the Granite State, except those aged 65 and older, where he’s down 26.8% to Biden’s 52.2%, per the poll.

The 45th president is even up among younger voters ages 18-25 in the poll, scoring a 34.3% lead to Biden’s 25.2%.

That poll sampled 862 registered voters between May 15-20 and had a margin of error of plus or minus 3.33 percentage points.

Other polling has generally pegged Biden, 81, with a lead in New Hampshire, which he won by roughly eight points back in 2020.

Biden has a 6.5 percentage point edge over Trump in the Granite State, per the latest RealClearPolitics aggregate of polls of a matchup that includes Kennedy.

But nationally, Trump is averaging a slim 2.8 percentage point lead in the latest RCP aggregate of a five-way race. Trump is also up in the averages for most of the battleground states.

Republicans had last won New Hampshire in a presidential contest back in 2000.