The Biden campaign is using Mother’s Day to criticize former President Donald Trump in a new campaign video, urging Americans to “Stop Trump.”

“Happy Mother’s Day. At the Biden campaign, we are asking Americans to do the moms in their lives a favor. Stop Trump,” the Biden campaign wrote in a press release.

In the video, the Biden campaign claims that “On Mother’s Day, a reminder: Donald Trump stands only for himself – and not mothers across America and their families.”

“The stakes of this election are high for all Americans, but especially moms across our country who will suffer under a second Trump term,” the video states.

“Under Trump, the government will be allowed to monitor their pregnancies, and rip their families apart. Meanwhile President Biden is fighting to bring back his historic expanded Child Tax Credit to give families a little extra breathing room, and ensure paid leave for all Americans,” the message from the Biden campaign continued.

The Biden campaign made five points, explaining why voters need to vote for him in the upcoming election over Trump.

His reasoning included blaming Trump for families being denied access to fertility treatments, allowing states to monitor women’s pregnancies, claiming that Trump believes that women who have an abortion should face “some form of punishment,” and that Trump “proudly separated mothers from their children.”

Biden’s other points claimed that Trump would devastate maternal health and hurt women across the country by working tirelessly to sabotage and repeal the Affordable Care Act. His final point claimed that Trump’s economic plan would be an “inflation bomb” which would raise costs for mothers’ and families.

“Families depend on moms – and moms deserve a President they can depend on to protect their rights, work to lower their costs, and fight for them. Donald Trump wasn’t and isn’t that President, but Joe Biden is,” Biden’s campaign wrote.

In response to the new campaign video, Trump’s team fired back at the president, calling his video a disgusting move to make, especially on Mother’s Day.

“What a sad, miserable, cowardly existence Crooked Joe Biden and his campaign must have to make such a disgusting ad on such a joyous day. Their lives are obviously filled with anger, hate, and resentment because they clearly suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome,” Trump’s team told Fox News Digital.

“President Trump continues to live rent-free in their pea-sized brains, even on Mother’s Day.”