The White House has lowered its earlier optimism about the midterm elections and is now worried that Democrats could lose control of both chambers of Congress, administration officials say.
Recent polls have shown Democrats who once had comfortable leads in some Senate races on a knife’s edge, and Senate elections that were considered toss-ups between the two parties now leaning Republican as high inflation persists.
The House of Representatives, which Biden and some allies and advisers predicted Democrats could hold earlier this year, is decisively swinging for Republicans, polling analysts including FiveThirtyEight say.
Walker Up Five Points In Georgia Weeks Before Election Day
Oz takes the lead in PA Senate race after Fetterman debate stumbles: poll
Lake leads governor’s race by 11 points
Abbott ahead 4 points over O’Rourke among registered Texas voters in new UT poll
DeSantis leading Crist by 14 points in Florida governor race: survey
And the list goes on!!!