Virginia Lt. Gov. Winsome Earle-Sears, a Republican elected during the Virginia anti-wokeness red wave of 2021 along with Gov. Glenn Youngkin, isn’t one to get concerned about blowing off liberal pieties.

When talking about race and politics in September 2022, she told the New York Post’s Cal Thomas that “[i]n order for [Democrats] to continue to win, they need to get 80 to 90 percent of the black vote. That’s why they are so full of hatred when conservatives like me, or libertarians, don’t think the way they do,” she said, adding, “We don’t really care.”

The first black, female lieutenant governor in the state also made it clear that she was going to keep to God’s law: “I think what we have to be careful about as Christians is that no one is on the throne except Christ,” she told Thomas. “We know that God can use anyone. He even used a donkey to speak to Balaam [an Old Testament story] to tell him he was going down the wrong path. So, if He can use a jacka**, He can use anybody.”

Plenty of Republican politicians say stuff like that — and then return to their seat of power and do something quite the opposite. So, give this much to Sears: No, she really doesn’t care how much the left is going to hate her, and yes, she’s going to keep holding onto God’s law, even when wokeness demands that she does not.

On Monday, there was a back-and-forth between Sears and state Sen. Danica Roem — a man who is the first transgender lawmaker in the state of Virginia — in which Sears called Roem by his actual gender. Cue the insanity.

According to WCAV, the exchange happened as the lieutenant governor and state senator discussed what could best be described as practical matters during deliberations in the upper chamber.

“How many votes will it take to be able to pass this bill with the emergency clause?” Roem asked

“That would be four-fifths, senator,” Sears responded.

“And what would be the exact number for that, madam president?” Roem responded.

“Yes, sir, that would be 32,” Sears said.

At this point, Roem stormed out of the chamber, and Sears called for a vote.

The result, according to the Petersburg, Virginia Progress-Index, was “two recesses” and an “initial refusal to apologize” by Sears.

Progress-Index reporter Bill Atkinson noted, “Roem appeared to be distraught on the state Senate livestream after the incident happened.”

Sears would later come back and look at both sides of the chamber, saying “I apologize” — without a specific apology to Roem — and noting that the Democrats were not known for displaying any paucity of “showing disrespect towards me.”