This week’s White House report card finds President Joe Biden dogged by his son’s indictment on gun charges, festering inflation, miserable polls, a House decision to open impeachment proceedings, and liberals calling on him to get out of the 2024 race because they fear he will lose to former President Donald Trump.

As if that weren’t enough, his friends at the United Auto Workers have hit the Big Three automakers with targeted strikes because the 20% pay hikes offered aren’t good enough. Biden backs the UAW demand for a 40% pay hike, a four-day work week, and benefits galore.

And, Washington is just a couple of weeks away from a potential shutdown as the fiscal year ends and a budget hasn’t been approved.

With all he’s facing, of course, Biden took the weekend off back in Delaware. According to a Republican Party count, Biden has been away on vacation for 39% of his presidency.

Democratic pollster John Zogby noted that no president has had his son indicted while in office, and he also highlighted an influential column from the Washington Post’s David Ignatius that said Biden should step aside. Normally high on Biden, Zogby graded the week a “D-minus.” Last week, he failed the president.

Conservative analyst Jed Babbin dished an “F” and drew attention to more bad news coming from the border and more examples of the president’s mental failure.

John Zogby
Grade: D-

Inflation is ticking back, and President Joe Biden’s approval is not.

His son Hunter was indicted, which has never happened before to any president.

Washington Post senior columnist David Ignatius, a Biden-phile, called on him to not run again. That cat is out of the bag, and few voices are stepping in to defend him.

The president is in political trouble this week.

Jed Babbin
Grade: F

The past week was another series of disasters for President Biden. He managed to push his deal with Iran through while he made disastrous appearances at the G20 summit and a Vietnam presser, his administration has lost track of almost 200,000 illegal aliens, and #Bidenflation has robbed American families of their incomes.

Biden chose 9-11 to announce the deal with Iran, which pays $6 billion in ransom for five Americans the Iranians hold. This will only encourage more Iranian hostage-taking.

#Bidenflation has caused U.S. incomes to fall for the third straight year.

Biden’s DHS is about to order that illegal aliens remain in Texas, and other border states, supposedly to keep them closer to the border to make deportation easier. The real reason is that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has been busing illegals to New York and other “sanctuary cities,” and the burden has become too much for them to bear. More than 10,000 have been bused to New York City alone. Because Biden has no power to stop him, Abbott will continue to bus illegals out of his state.

Biden didn’t observe the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks at one of the three memorial sites presidents normally visit. Instead, Vice President Kamala Harris went to New York City where, to the cringing of observers, she smiled and chuckled her way through the ceremony.

Biden said, “Ground Zero in New York — I remember standing there the next day and looking at the building. I felt like I was looking through the gates of hell.” But his own book said that he was in D.C. in a Senate session.

Meanwhile, federal investigators have revealed that Biden’s DHS has lost track of about 20% of the illegal migrants Biden has allowed across his open borders.

Biden lost another important court battle this week. The Fifth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals ruled that Biden’s FBI and other agencies went too far in censoring free speech in violation of the First Amendment. That case will go to the Supreme Court, which will likely affirm the Fifth Circuit.

After going to the G20 summit in India, Biden — stumbling and fumbling — went to Vietnam. His mental incapacity was on display for the world when he confused the movie, Good Morning Vietnam, with a song. He called those who find a lack of proof that man is changing the climate “lying dog face pony soldiers,” wrongly credited the line to John Wayne.

In that press conference, the 80-year-old Biden, trying to prove his stamina through his extensive travel, joked about not knowing whether it was day or night and concluded by saying, “I’m gonna go to bed.” As he clearly needed to do.

If that weren’t enough, as it clearly is, one of Biden’s efforts to force wokeness on the military caused the Pentagon to change the award citation for retiring Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley. Instead of “himself,” the citation will read “themself,” which isn’t even good grammar.

It was another week in which Biden would have earned a grade lower than “F” if there were one.