
Libertarian Party of Tennessee

So there’s a 58% increase in black people in the US buying firearms and the ACLU wants us to believe the gun laws were spawned from racism? Classic racist gun control tactics. Read Negroes and the GunNegroes With Guns, and Gunfight.”
–Black gun rights advocate Antonia Okafor Cover

As aforementioned, these days, racism’s recognized regularly:

College Symposium Razes the Anti-Black Racism of ‘Good’ Grammar

Department of Education Fights the White Supremacy of Math

Viral Video Rips the Racist Roots of ‘Fatphobia’

Professor: #BlueLivesMatter Is Racist, so Is Society, and Loving Freckles May Be White Pride

Fish Fry: Social Justice Sizzles With the Woke Renaming of a Racism-Riddled Carp

As for the Second Amendment, is it available to Americans who are black?