
AOC being AOC. Is there anything “better”? Think about it. From math wizard to noted historian to societal genius, there ain’t nobody like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) for a LOL, head-shaking moment. On a near-daily basis.

And it is at that point that we begin.

As reported by The New York Post, AOC thinks America should “stop building more prisons to address violent crime and instead provide more hospital and counseling services to lawbreakers who are mentally ill.” Is her intellectualism breathtaking, or what?

But, hey — if an erstwhile bartender doesn’t know what to do about skyrocketing violent crime, what else — and who else — can we turn to? Check it out, via the NY Post:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez urged politicians to stop building more prisons to address violent crime and instead provide more hospital and counseling services to lawbreakers who are mentally ill.

Her comments drew immediate condemnation from her pro-law-and-order critics.

“If we want to reduce violent crime, if we want to reduce the number of people in our jails, the answer is to stop building more of them,’” Ocasio-Cortez said during a Bronx event Thursday.

AOC’s illogical “logic” is profound (asinine). Slamming jails and prisons as “garbage bins for human beings,” she idiotically said:

“The answer is to make sure that we actually build more hospitals, we pay organizers, we get people mental health care and overall health care, employment, etc. It’s to support communities, not throw them away.”

Ah. “Organizers.” Like “community organizers”? Like ‘Chicago Jesus’? Just sayin’.

Staten Island Republican Rep. Nicole Malliotakis promptly blistered AOC’s idiocy: