
Microsoft, the new Ingsoc, has joined with a number of media and tech firms to create a system that can trace your content around the internet, a concept that I predict will kill online privacy and individual anonymity and will eventually fundamentally transform the web.

Microsoft, along with the tech and media companies who signed up, has constructed a plan that could turn out to be the tech tyrant’s boldest, most shameless power grab ever.

Microsoft gave a press release that revealed a partnership with several other companies to form what they call the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA).  Their mission is to develop a system where all content that enters the internet can be traced back to the original author.

As stated in the press release, it talks about developing specifications for “common asset types and formats,” which are objects users online could post, things like images, videos, documents, and other things.   So now if you create and post a meme that the Woke Supremacy doesn’t like they can trace it back to you and punish you accordingly.  And it more-than-likely won’t just be able to trace the author but anyone who shares it later.

Think about all the products you use on a computer, and then think about all the companies that make those products that have gone Woke over the last few years.  And it’s not just Microsoft.  Adobe that makes Photoshop, Jasc Software creates Paintshop Pro, Apple has iMovie, and there’s a whole host of software and services that allow users to be creative that may now compromise your privacy and security.

Of course, the tech tyrants will say that they are doing this to protect people from misinformation and those crazy white supremacists who are lurking around every corner of the internet.

According to Microsoft, this coalition was born to, you guessed it, stop the spread of “disinformation,” which in reality means any information that does not fit the forever changing narratives of the leftist Woke Supremacy.   Pretty soon we’re going to see Soviet-style dissident reading groups form in neighborhoods just so people can share information again, just don’t bring a Kindle.

The official line from Microsoft is they want “to address the prevalence of disinformation, misinformation and online content fraud through developing technical standards for certifying the source and history or provenance of media content.”

This is far more sinister than the censorship from social media companies who also now interfere in our elections and silence all political speech that they don’t like.  They’re now going to trace anything you produce from the CPU level of your computer and use it against you if you piss them off.  This is the most dangerous thing the tech tyrants have ever come up with.

Call your representatives, because this will be a nightmare for our society.  Privacy will truly be a thing of the past.  This is Soviet-style personal intrusion at a much worse rate than anything the Russian politburo of old could have come up with.  The old KGB would be proud.  Tech tyrants do not have the right to declare someone’s free speech as disinformation simply because they don’t like what is said.  They are the public town square now and they should be treated as a de facto government.  Unfortunately for our republic, this dangerous set of events are happening when the worst kind of people control the federal government.