
Late last week Portland, Ore., Mayor Ted Wheeler took to video to plea for the community’s help to “unmask” antifa. The violence-prone anarchist-fascist group has terrorized Portland with months of violent and destructive insurrectionist riots despite Joe Biden merely calling antifa an “idea.”

Someone purporting to represent antifa has responded to Wheeler with a new video. In this video, the masked individual pushes anti-American themes and publishes Wheeler’s home address. The individual finishes the disturbing presentation with a veiled threat to kill Mayor Wheeler.


“Ted, we are asking for the last time that you resign,” the video’s narrator says. “If you ignore this message outright, the destruction to your precious way of life is going to escalate. Blood is already on your hands, Ted. The next time, it may just be your own.”

Those last words have Wheeler’s clearly legible address superimposed over them.