
Trust the science,” they say. I do. But I do not trust the scientists, or to be more specific, I do not trust scientists who have been bullied, bribed, or blackmailed into doing the bidding of the powers-that-be.

“Trust but verify,” others will say. Unfortunately, that’s not an option in the case of Covid-19 in general and their so-called “vaccines” in particular because trusting would mean getting the injections. There’s no going back if it’s verified to be dangerous later. Besides, one can easily make the case that they’re already verified as dangerous, though their efficacy against Covid-19 itself is questionable.

It has been over a year and a half since scientists started researching Covid-19. Technically, the coronavirus has been researched for years by scientists in Wuhan and other laboratories, but that’s another issue. In the early days they could say this strain of coronavirus was new so they still had many questions. Here’s the thing, folks. It ain’t new anymore. Hundreds of thousands of doctors and scientists have been studying it for over a year. It’s unreasonable to say they need to have all the answers, but surely they have more than they’re revealing.

Below, I will detail five examples of fake science driving a particular agenda. When all of these agendas are combined, we can see the DNA of The Great Reset pushed by the World Economic Forum, most world leaders, and their various minions like mainstream media, academia, and Big Tech. Their plan is well underway and the only possible way we can stop it at this point is to inform and inspire. We must inform as many people as possible of the dangers that lie before us and we must inspire them to take actions as both individuals and as groups.

After those five examples is an article by Ethan Huff over at Natural News that demonstrates fake science in action. It’s shocking to discover that between 14%-20% of published scientific “studies” are completely manufactured, yet apparently this is a well-known phenomenon in scientific journal circles. I am not a scientist, but I can still be concerned that so much fake science is in circulation. Considering the ramifications on society during this pandemic, everyone should be concerned as well.

As you read through these examples of fake science within the accepted Covid narratives, keep The Great Reset squarely in focus. Ask yourself why they would drive us to do the various things they’re having us do and how it all ties back to the globalist agenda. Below the article by Huff, I will conclude with some more commentary.

Here are five examples of how fake science is herding us like sheep to the slaughter.

Fake Science Locked Down Everything and Continues to Lock Down Far Too Much

Sweden did not lock down everything. They did not mandate masks or social distancing. They kept their businesses and schools open. They did not do it perfectly, but the results of allowing the people to make choices on their own are shining very brightly right now. They’ve had 10 total Covid deaths in July and only two in the last half of the month. Their total Covid-19 death count is at 14,617. Comparably sized New Jersey has had 26,586 deaths with the harshest lockdowns in the nation.

39% of Sweden’s population has been fully-vaccinated compared to 57% for New Jersey.

One can argue that the science in the beginning was too new for governments to realize the disease was not very dangerous to otherwise healthy people under the age of 50. One can also argue they didn’t anticipate economic turmoil would cause countless deaths through suicide, drug overdoses, delayed care, unhealthy living, destitution, and a plethora of other consequences that arose from the lockdowns. One can even argue that the kneejerk reactions in the beginning fell under the political driving notion of “better safe than sorry.”

Nobody can make those arguments today. We know the disease is mild for the vast majority who are exposed to it. We know there are treatments that are being suppressed, which we’ll discuss below. We know the disease continues to spread and even spike despite face masks, social distancing, “vaccines,” and lockdowns.

We also know Sweden is winning against the disease while nanny states have been losing every battle. But fake science continues to try to convince us otherwise. Why?

Fake Science Claims Natural Immunity Is Insufficient

From a scientist’s perspective, this may be the most egregious of the lies that continues to be told by other scientists. I’ve had conversations with doctors who scratch their heads at the notion of injecting experimental drugs into people who have recovered from Covid-19 already. Keep in mind, some of these doctors and scientists that I’ve spoken with are not against the vaccines generally, but wonder why children, healthy young adults, and previously infected people are still being urged to get the jabs.

Since the dawn of vaccine science, it has been an accepted fact that natural immunity is far superior to vaccines. In most cases, the only reasons vaccines are developed (other than to drive Big Pharma profits) is because the burdens of acquiring natural immunity for some diseases is too great. Polio vaccines, for example, make sense because the disease can be deadly or debilitating to a high percentage of those who contract it. Covid-19 has a 99.97% recovery rate for the vast majority of the population.

We need only look at SARS-CoV-1 to see that natural immunity works. The predecessor of Covid-19 has demonstrated continued immunity for at least 17-years for those who recovered from it. We can also look at the results in Israel to see that natural immunity is extraordinarily effective against the Delta Variant while the vaccines are not.

The push to vaccinate those with natural immunity should be enough to tell even the least skeptical among us that the powers-that-be are driving towards a different agenda than they one they’re telling us.

Fake Science Said the Vaccines Would Bring Normalcy

No commentary necessary. They told us for months that once they get the vaccines to the people, we’d be able to take off our face masks and resume normal activities. Look around. Does anything seem normal to you?

Fake Science Claimed Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, and Other Treatments Were Suddenly Dangerous

Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, and literally every other treatment for Covid-19 has been disavowed by so-called “doctors” who are controlled by the powers-that-be. Drugs that have been in circulation for decades, that are sold over-the-counter in many countries, were suddenly deemed dangerous. Who can forget when Fox News host Neil Cavuto said President Trump was literally killing people by recommending Hydroxychloroquine?

The studies done on these treatments have far exceeded the expectations of many doctors and proven to have a higher efficacy than any of the vaccines. Early treatment is especially effective; countless lives have been saved by doctors who have prescribed these treatments to their patients.

Unfortunately, countless lives have also been lost because of the push to make these treatments anathema in the medical world. It makes absolutely zero sense unless we consider The Great Reset agenda. Universal vaccination could never be achieved if there were treatments made widely available. Moreover, the Emergency Use Authorizations necessary to push the vaccines forward in the first place require that no effective treatments are available.

Question the motives of Anthony Fauci, the CDC, the bulk of the United States government, the WHO, the United Nations, and pretty much anyone who has a say in what doctors should or shouldn’t prescribe as treatments. All of them have allowed people to die for the sake of their agenda.

Fake Science Told Us Face Masks Are Not Necessary, Then They Were, Then They Weren’t, Then They…

Again, no commentary necessary. We’ve heard enough shifting narratives from Anthony Fauci alone on this topic to make our heads spin.