  • Hundreds of QAnon supporters gathered on the infamous grassy knoll on Tuesday to hear JFK’s long-dead son John F. Kennedy Jr. make an important announcement
  • They expected him to announce that he will be Trump’s running mate in 2024
  • But John F. Kennedy Jr., the son of former President John F. Kennedy and Jackie Onassis Kennedy, died in a plane crash in 1999. His body – along with his wife and sister-in-law were recovered from wreckage on the ocean bed after 18 hours of searching
  • Some members of the QAnon conspiracy movement believe JFK Jr. faked his own death after he switched political affiliations
  • They believe he has since become a Trump supporter and may even be Q – the group’s anonymous leader
  • According to their beliefs, Trump would step down and let JFK Jr. become the president and appoint former NSA Advisor Michael Flynn as his vice president
  • Trump would then ‘most likely’ become the ‘king of kings’
  • When he didn’t show, supporters instead claimed he would appear at a Rolling Stones concert later in the night 
  • But Q has reportedly spoken out against the theory