
The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors is completely losing it along with the rest of those involved in THE BIG LIE in Arizona!

Chairman Jack Sellers recently released a statement where he told the Arizona Senate to be ready for them to fight the results. He understands exactly what is coming.

Democrat Supervisor Steve Gallardo is chiming in with another bogus statement decrying the audit and begging the Senate to stop.

The legislative session thankfully came to a close Wednesday and yet the fraudit started by the Senate Republican leadership lives on.  To what end?  I thought Senate President Karen Fann said the “full forensic audit” would inform legislation that could improve elections in Arizona.  Senator Kelly Townsend said she wouldn’t vote on a budget until the fraudit was complete.  The chance to fulfill those promises ended yesterday – not that they were ever sincere.

The Arizona Senate passed a number of election integrity bills as a result of the audit before adjournment.  The Arizona Senate is still acting even after the Senate closed the session because subpoenas for routers and passwords have still not been addressed by the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors.  Nevertheless, Democrat Gallardo states:

The truth is, the fraudit being conducted by the Cyber Ninjas was never about good policy or good governance.  It continues to be about the “Big Lie,” making money for future GOP political campaigns, and sadly, damaging our democratic republic in the process. 

Good governance is government by the people and for the people. This audit meets both. This process will restore our democratic republic.

Nobody needed to crack open expensive tabulation machines to know the election in Maricopa County was free and fair, run by professionals with decades of knowledge and a high degree of training.  Nobody needed to pretend partisan volunteers can do a better job than machines when it comes to counting dots on pieces of paper.  Nobody needed to flash the paper ballots with black lights or photograph microscopic fibers.

The processes detailed in Arizona law and the Elections Procedures Manual define the checks and balances that make Arizona’s elections some of the most secure in the country.  So, I ask President Fann, Senator Townsend and others in their caucus who pretend their fraudit is about gathering vital insight to admit the opportunity to change elections laws in 2020 is over.  And the fraudit should sine die along with the legislative session.

Nobody needed to confirm that our elections are safe and secure?

The audit process that will likely be detailed in the final forensic report will define the checks and balances that made this process so incredibly secure, thorough, and transparent. It will also define the fraud that occurred. 

The opportunity to change election laws in 2020 has been over for months now.

This is about securing FUTURE elections by getting to the bottom of November 3rd.