• Single migrant men are ‘buying’ kids and taking them across the border
  • ‘Kids are literally being used and abused repeatedly because of President Biden’s open border policies,’ Rep. Hinson told DailyMail.com

Republicans are pushing a new bill that would require kids under 14 to be fingerprinted at the southern border in order to end the ‘use and abuse’ of children by human traffickers.

Single migrant men are ‘buying’ kids and taking them across the border to appear as if they are a family unit – in order to processed more quickly than if they came across on their own.

‘What we’re seeing is that these kids are literally being used and abused repeatedly because of President Biden’s open border policies,’ Rep. Ashley Hinson told DailyMail.com in an exclusive interview.

Sadly, children are ‘caught in the middle’ by traffickers and smugglers, she explained.

The PRINTS Act would require the fingerprinting of migrants under the age of 14. By allowing Custom and Border Protection (CBP) officials to identify victims of trafficking, it will help stop some of these ‘heinous crimes,’ said Hinson, R-Iowa.

In just one week alone, the Tucson Sector encountered 17,500 migrants – a new record.

‘It is truly a humanitarian crisis at the southern border right now and we need to give our border patrol agents every tool possible,’ continued Hinson.

Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., is pushing the companion bill in the Senate.

The push comes as House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, subpoenaed Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Sec. Alejandro Mayorkasfor information and documents on violent criminal aliens allowed entry into the U.S.

The subpoena for information comes after DHS stonewalled the committee’s requests for months.

In addition, on Wednesday, Republican senators blocked President Biden’s request for $110 billion in aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan as the GOPdemands stricter southern border security measures be included.

Sen. Jim Risch, R-Idaho, told DailyMail.com that there are ongoing ‘political discussions’ on how to move a security package forward.

He said that although ‘each side’ has different priorities, border issues are ‘top of the list’ for Republicans.

The senator said aid to Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan is important to move forward and ‘we want to get it done,’ but ‘we need to first and foremost be concerned on our southern border.’

‘The reason the whole package hasn’t passed is we have not come to an agreement on that part of the package,’ he explained.

‘It is of the highest priority for us, our border, our national security, our constituents.’