
Republican Sen. Mitt Romney revealed he would not vote for former President Donald Trump if he becomes the Republican presidential nominee in a future election, despite agreeing with many of his policies.

Although Romney admitted that “yeah, [I] aligned with many of his domestic policies,” the Senator insisted Trump’s “character” was a more important factor in casting his vote. “Having a president who is so defaulted of character would have an enormous impact on the character of America,” he said. “And for me, that’s the primary consideration.”

Romney made his comments on Wednesday’s edition of CNN’s ‘The Source’ when questioned by host Kaitlan Collins.

The Senator also used the platform to criticize President Biden’s approach to border security and immigration, stating that Biden has made “extraordinary mistakes” and labeled his performance “embarrassing.” Although Romney praised Trump for “some smart things” done during his presidency, he said that alone was not enough to secure his support. Despite this, he acknowledged that Trump could win against Biden if the election were to occur today.