
If there was any doubt that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is incapable of breaking the rental agreement Donald Trump has had with the inside of his head for more than four years, Chucky put that doubt to rest on the floor of the Senate on Monday, throwing a panicky fit over the “despicable” former president continuing to “win so many people over.”

Even better: Trump is being aided and abetted by the news media in his devious effort, whined Chucky. Who knew? Did you spit water all over your screen? I came damn close.

Earth to Chucky: With the exception of Fox News, every other major news outlet on the planet was right there with you and the Democrat Party every step of the way with your TDS-riddled efforts to remove Trump from the White House from the moment he was inaugurated. 24×7. 365 days a year. Four insidious years. Remember? We do.

There are hyperpartisan political hacks in Washington, D.C., without a shred of conscience and even less integrity, and then there’s Chuck Schumer. Other than former Democrat Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), it’s tough to name another recent Democrat in a leadership position who comes anywhere near Chucky’s partisan hack low.

OK, Nancy Pelosi — but life on Planet Pelosi is a whole ‘nother world.

In his classic faux-melodramatic style, the ever-hyperbolic Schumer began with the following — with a straight face, no less:

“Just a note: How despicable a man is Donald Trump?! He lost an election legitimately. He can’t face that, that it was his failure. And he creates a lie, a big lie, and wins so many people over to that lie with the help of news media; and other news commentators that are lying, as well, and they know it.”

Um, Chucky? You ever catch CNN? Mr. Potato Head? Sorry, Brian Stelter? Chris Cuomo? Don Lemon? Or, perhaps, MSNBC’s delusional race-hustler, Joy Reid?

Or maybe Rachel Maddow? Speaking of Maddow, a federal judge on Friday dismissed a $10 million defamation lawsuit brought by One America News (OAN), finding that a “reasonable viewer” would know the MSNBC left-wing bomb-thrower was only offering her opinion when she called the conservative network “paid Russian propaganda.”

Back to Schumer’s seething:

“Again, Donald Trump, with his despicable lies, has lit a fire beneath Republican state legislatures, and they have launched the most sweeping voter suppression efforts in at least — at least — 80 years.

“More than 250 bills in 43 states were introduced just between the months of January and February that would restrict the right to vote.”

Complete bilge, of course. Measures taken to reduce voter fraud, Chucky,  are only intended to “restrict the right to vote” of potential fraudulent voters.


It’s a long-ass story. Click here to finish reading.