
Biden’s speech Wednesday advocating for more gun control laws in response to a crime surge in cities across the nation was “drivel, and I think most Americans know it,” Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) told Fox News.

“Whoever is advising the president on crime, and I don’t know who it is, but whoever it is, his Secret Service name ought to be ‘Butthead,’” Kennedy told “Hannity” Wednesday night.

“Why has Chicago become the world’s largest outdoor shooting range? Why is it safer to walk down the streets of Mogadishu than New York City?” Kennedy asked.

“Crime is not up, as the president seemed to indicate today, because of inadequate background checks. Crime is up because many, not all, but many members of the president’s own party believe in defunding the police,” the senator answered. “They ran on it, and in many cities, they’ve done it. Crime is up because many members of the president’s own party want to turn cops into social workers. Crime is up because many members of the president’s own party think all cops are racists, including, apparently, the African-American police officers.

“Crime is up because many members of the president’s own party think that when a cop shoots a criminal, it’s always the cop’s fault. But when a criminal shoots a cop, it’s always the gun’s fault,” Kennedy added.

Biden argued Wednesday that violence had “spiked since the start of the pandemic over a year ago” and suggested police funding cuts in cities were due to budget shortfalls rather than efforts by far-left activists and public officials.

The president did announce that cities could use coronavirus aid money to “to hire police officers needed for community policing and to pay their overtime.”