
Gabriel Sterling, the media darling, far-left ‘Republican’, and Executive of the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office is freaking out.  He had to say something negative about the audit in Arizona because he does not want the same audit performed in Georgia.  Which tells you all you need to know about Gabriel Sterling.

We reported numerous times on Sterling after the election.  He had everything upside down – looks like he hasn’t changed a lick:

We still have many questions about what Sterling and Secretary of State Raffensperger did with $16 million that passed their way before the election.  Also, why is Sterling, Raffensperger’s COO and CFO of the Secretary of State’s Office, when it is against policy and why is he a contract employee?

Sterling says:

This ‘audit’ in Arizona is another step in undermining confidence in elections. This process is neither transparent nor, likely, legal,” Sterling said on Twitter.

Any ‘findings’ will be highly suspect now that chain of custody has been violated by partisan actors,” he added.